Customer Analytics

Embedding customer centricity into your organization’s DNA

Is your organization customer centric? Yes? Well, how did you measure it?

We are one of the first organizations to have invented a metric that could measure the level of customer centricity of your organization called “Customer Centricity System (CCS)”.

7x expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep a current one
86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience
89% of customers exited after experiencing poor customer service

Being customer centric helps MSMEs gain unquestionable customer loyalty, repeat business, referral business & higher profits. Happy customers become the promoters of your brand & in effect become your marketing agents.

SI follows an unbiased approach using Net Promoter Score (NPS® ) methodology to gauge your customer’s loyalty through their behaviour i.e. how likely would they recommend your brand to someone?

Further, through our unbiased approach using Customer Centricity System (CCS) we help you gauge whether you are doing enough to drive a positive customer behaviour for them to recommend your brand.

We do not hire any research agencies to do the work for us. We treat your organization’s problems as our own. Our proprietary data analytics’ tool provides us with the best of the customer behaviour insights.

Net Promoter Score is a customer loyalty metric created by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix in 2003. It is based on the perspective that every customers’ behaviour can be gauged after placing them within three types based on the ratings they provide:
a. Promoters - who give rating of 9 or 10
b. Passives - who give rating of 7 or 8
c. Detractors - who give rating between 0 to 6

Your Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters to get an overall NPS® result.

Customer Centricity Score is one of the first customer centricity metric created by Synerbridge Investancy in 2019. It is based on the perspective that an organization can positively impact customer’s behaviour by becoming more customer centric.

Your Customer Centricity Score is a weighted average calculation within 8 evaluation parameters such as reliability & trust, overall management, performance of your product or service, loyalty etc.